fraoula froutofarm


Selected products are transported in a short time after harvesting to FROUTOFARM facilities, where additional quality control is carried out, followed by their processing under strict hygienic conditions and their packaging in many types based on the requirements of our customers (micro-packaging in net , plastic punnet, carton, etc.).

After receiving the fresh products, they are placed in rapid pre-cooling chambers and then the cooling process is completed in special chambers, in order to stop their transpiration, with the aim of ensuring excellent quality and unquestionable freshness.

The products are sorted on a modern sorting line and packed in cartons, weighed, stacked and palletized electronically. The packaged products are then stored until they are loaded, in ideal conditions of humidity and temperature.

All of them are handled and distributed by the company's cooling truck that strictly meets the conditions for safe and quality-compliant transport of the products.

At the same time, FROUTOFARM implements a complete traceability system.