Peach Jam with no added sugar

Peach Jam with no added sugar


  • 100g peaches
  • 15g grounded ginger
  • 100g stevia or xylitol sweetener


Wash the fruit, remove the stone and cut them into cubes. grate the ginger. Put the peaches, ginger and stevia in a pot, mix, cover with the lid and leave for 5 to 8 hours. Then we put the pot on a high heat until the first boil and turn it down very low so that it simmers, regularly stirring the mixture and removing the foam. The procedure takes about 30-40 minutes. We test if the sweetness covers us and add stevia if needed. When the jam is set, transfer it to jars that we have previously boiled to sterilize them, close them tightly and turn them upside down to release the air from the inside of the jar. When the jars have cooled completely, store them.